Wedding suit made to measure

Yes, I do… the nicest answer to the questions as soon as you want to bond with your favorite person for life. The wedding suit is an essential piece of clothing. It is now entirely up to you how you design it and your complete wedding appearance. Whether suit (with or without vest), tuxedo, frock coat, cut, tailcoat, tweed suit, summer suit with Bermuda, suspenders, bow, cap, hat - everything can, nothing must!

The only important thing is that the wedding suit underlines your character and you experience an unforgettable day in a perfectly fitting outfit. Because the wedding suit should dress you and not costume you.

We individually tailor the suit according to your ideas and respond flexibly and professionally to your wishes. No matter what ideas you have developed for yourself. We are happy to support you and are a reliable partner in all textile questions you may have.

In all the exciting preparations, the best man, parents, future parents-in-law, guests and friends must of course not be forgotten. Of course, we are also looking forward to your visit.

Appointments are very welcome!

PS: And for the ladies of the wedding party, for whom our wedding fashion is too masculine, we recommend the designer Dorothea Michalk and Cinderella Braut- und Festmoden. Hairstyling and make up at Tobias Schneider Hairdressers.


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