Weitere Accessoires


... we have those for every occasion — whether leisure, business or ball. In sterling silver, gold or alloys with gemstones, semi-precious stones and enamel inlays - just tell us your wishes.

Leather and textile belts

A belt is always jewelry and never intended to simply hold the trousers. It is chosen to match the shoe — brown to brown, black to black. Exceptions are, of course, trendy sports and jewellery belts such as braided textile belts or particularly robust belts with magnificent buckles. Find the right belt in a variety of colours, shapes and lengths. The individual buckles do not necessarily make the choice easier, but show the variety of our offer. The selection of materials here is also very extensive and ranges from various types of leather such as crocodile, calf or horse leather to textiles.

Men's umbrella

Umbrellas & Sticks

With love and by hand our umbrellas and poles are manufactured in a small Italian manufactory. There are handles made of leather, horn, sterling silver and various types of wood. The coverings of the flexible and very stable poles vary from classic (British racing green) to special tartans and elegant stripes. A highlight are our picnic umbrellas!

Handkerchiefs & Stockings

Two important accessories, often invisible at first sight, dress the gentlemen of the world - knee socks and a handkerchief made of cotton. While the former provides for a covered (knee-highed) man's leg without the sight of the white calves and is also popular with the ladies, the latter, the handkerchief from the trouser pocket, should never be confused with the silk handkerchief.

Our tip: The handkerchief, provided with a personal monogram, is a fantastic gift.

Taschentuch mit Monogramm als Geschenk

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