Cut, tuxedo or tailcoat -
the 3 festive ones


The Cut is the day suit for all festivities. Until 6 p.m. you can wear it for horse races, weddings or other festive occasions. A beautiful way to dress festively and cheerfully. The cut vest can stand out from the grey cut jacket and the grey striped trousers. Yellow, rosé and other pastel shades are preferred. The cylinder is also kept in a light grey.


The tuxedo (black tie) follows and is put on from 18 o'clock. In cultivated men's clubs, a "smoke jacket" is still worn today. To protect the tuxedo jacket from the strong smells of cigars and cigarettes, it is discarded. Then the "Smokejacket", usually in the colours bordeaux, british racing green, black or royal blue, is covered and changed again after the smoking.


The white tie is the official. It is worn from 18 o'clock on balls and state receptions. The tailcoat beside the uniform is the only garment on which orders and sashes (awards) may be worn in the evening.

Festkleidung und Abendgarderobe

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