
Prüssing & Köll offers you a comprehensive and at the same time comfortable service. Discretion, punctuality and flexibility are a matter of course. In addition to professional, individual advice (also outside our business hours), custom-made products in our own tailor's shop are certainly one of our most important service features.

Modification service

Shoemaker, cleaning, alteration service

We take care of every "fosterling", even if he does not come from our house! Bring us your worn shoe, your dirty tie or your trousers in need of repair. We will repair all damage as soon as possible.

Mobile tailoring service

As expected, we offer the classic home visit - our mobile "tailoring service" - for all gentlemen who do not make their way to us. We kindly ask you to make an appointment.


Shipping service

A matter of course for us, but not a matter of course - our shipping service. All clothing purchased, modified or refined from us will be shipped free of charge throughout Europe. For shipping costs to other continents, will be discussed individually with you.

Offline news

Um Ihr E-Mail-Postfach nicht noch mehr zu strapazieren, versendet Prüssing & Köll vier bis fünf mal pro Jahr postalisch die neuesten Informationen. Dürfen wir Sie in unserer Kundendatei begrüßen?

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