Leather Accessories

Leather is robust, durable and high quality handmade something for eternity. In addition to the wonderful men's shoes, Prüssing & Köll also manufactures all types of suitcases and bags made to measure — whether travel, file or PC suitcases.

As the sole dealer in Dresden for Swain Adeney and Bernd Kreis, we also offer you the best of the best. High-quality leather cases with inlaid wooden frames have a life-long durability and perfect stability.
Various interior fittings and various types of leather such as saddle leather, horse leather or Cavalry leather let all your wishes be heared. Closures in gold, silver and bronze look round off the elegance of the case or bag.
Since everything is done by hand, you should be prepared for delivery times of 8-12 weeks.
Your wishes and ideas were not considered? Please do not hesitate to contact us!


Our tip: Not every car manufacturer offers adequate luggage for the available storage space. We do!

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